Notorious wanderer, passionate Athlete, curious traveler, creative nature photografer, amateur chef, zealous environmental protectionist and engineer. These are my subpersonalities in my mind/body. After I finished the secondary school, the world has opened up before me and I deceided to follow my dreams. Since then, due to my wanderer soul, I always switch places

With the help of this site I would like to give a taste from different kind of activites, to share my adventurous experiences, and last but not least to speak about my personal and profesional experiences. 

I would like to provide the technical background in the summer of 2020. The website will get its final version during the autumn.

In any case, I wish you an awasome time!


“Tod oder Freiheit soll auf unser’m Grabstein stehen”


“Csak figyelj, mert van út, mely pont odavisz,
Ahova kell, és nem ahova szeretnél.”


“Van valami, ami mindig hajt,
És elűz elÅ‘lem minden bajt.”