I firstly met with this theme when I was a student. These exercises are written for musicians, but athletes can also benefit from them. They were pretty useful when I was an active runner. After moving out of Veszprém I forget about them, now I am trying to make such exercises again.

It’s clear that as an athlete you should work hard for success. The different trainings are the following:

Main sport (cycling, running, other)

Crosstraining (gym, crossfit, spine-exercise, fitness, other)

Stretching after workout (10-20 min)

SMR-rolling (20-30 min)

Breath control (5-10 min)

In best case scenario, we can do all of the trainings above.


About the exercises:

  • 5-10 min daily
  • 3 week program
  • 16 different exercises
  • Every exercise should begin with full inhalation en gyakorlatot teljes belégzéssel kell kezdeni (the only exception is the “dog panting”).
  • The natural and continous development is the goal. Do not overdo it.

Definiton of full inhalation:
For beginners the full inhalation happens in 3 phases

  1. Firstly we fill up the lower part of the lung with air.   Töltsük meg a tüdÅ‘ alsó harmadát. We will feel our waist expands.
  2. Secondly we fill up the middle part of the lung with air, meanwhile the chest a little bit expands.
  3. In the last phase the upper part of the lung will be filled with air and the chest will fully expand.


Description of exercises:

  1. Panting deep breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out.
    3. Repeat this process 10 times as like we had run run two kilometers before it.
    4. Return to normal breathing.
  2. Soft breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out on your open hand as soft as possible.
    3. The exhalation time is 30 sec.
    4. After 30 sec, breathe out strongly.
    5. Return to normal breathing.
  3. Breath retention:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Hold your breathe and try to loosen your diaphragm without straining the abdominal wall.
    3. The breath holding time is 30 sec.
    4. After 30 sec, breathe out strongly.
    5. Return to normal breathing.
  4. Strong breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out as strong as possible.
    3. Empty your lungs completely.
    4. Return to normal breathing.
  5. Shallow panting:
    1. Take a really shallow breath, fill up only the upper part of your lungs.
    2. Immediately breathe the air and take an another shallow breath.
    3. Do this as fast as you can.
    4. Pant like this for 10 seconds.
    5. Return to normal breathing.
  6. Force blowing:
    1. Hold a normal paper on the wall and approach it with you face (15 cm).
    2. Take a full inhalation.
    3. Breathe out in the middle of the paper, release it with your hand and try to hold it above the ground, count to 6
    4. Return to normal breathing.
  7. Forced breath retention:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Hold your breath and put your hands under your ribs.
    3. Press your hands tightly against your stomach while you force the trapped air to the lower part of your lungs.
    4. Hold this forced pose for 10 seconds.
    5. Empty your lungs completely.
    6. Return to normal breathing.
  8. “Crescendo”-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out as soft as possible
    3. Continuously increase the blow-out speed
    4. Empty your lungs completely.
    5. Return to normal breathing.
  9. “Decrescendo”-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out as strong as possible
    3. Continuously decrease the blow-out speed
    4. Empty your lungs completely.
    5. Return to normal breathing.
  10. “Crescendo-Decrescendo”-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out as soft as possible.
    3. Continuously increase the blow-out speed to the maximum, then gradually decrease it to the softest.
    4. Empty your lungs completely.
    5. Return to normal breathing.
  11. “Decrescendo-crescendo”-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out as strong as possible.
    3. Continuously decrease the blow-out speed to the softest, then gradually increase it to the strongest.
    4. Empty your lungs completely.
    5. Return to normal breathing.
  12. Strong “Start-Stop”-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out strongly for 1 second, then hold your breath for 1 second.
    3. Continue the exercise `till you run out of breath.
    4. Return to normal breathing.
  13. Soft”Start-Stop”-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out softly for 1 second, then hold your breath for 1 second.
    3. Continue the exercise `till you run out of breath.
    4. Return to normal breathing.
  14. Soft-Strong-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out softly then switch to strong without any transition.
    3. Continue the exercise `till you run out of breath.
    4. Return to normal breathing.
  15. Soft-Medium-Strong-breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out while you follow the following pattern:
      soft > medium > strong > medium > soft
    3. Continue the exercise `till you run out of breath.
    4. Return to normal breathing.
  16. Pumping breathing:
    1. Take a full inhalation.
    2. Immediately breathe the air out with medium speed and keep it on. From time to time switch to strong/soft breathing.
    3. Continue the exercise `till you run out of breath.
    4. Return to normal breathing.

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